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 (m) NIALL HORAN - you're my best friend but you love me

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Hey this is
Joyce A. Stewart

Joyce A. Stewart

I would never be the one that you believe that I am

Messages : 28
Date d'inscription : 08/04/2012

Status: Célibataire
My Love:
(m) NIALL HORAN - you're my best friend but you love me Empty
MessageSujet: (m) NIALL HORAN - you're my best friend but you love me   (m) NIALL HORAN - you're my best friend but you love me Icon_minitimeVen 31 Aoû - 20:30

Logan Sam Anderson
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(c) Bardadoll
about LIFE&STUFF &hearts

19 ans ♣ Célibataire ♣ I want to see the world

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Avatar Niall Horan: non négociable. Premier prénom: non négociable.

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Joyce Stewart UC

Lorenzo Santini UC

Liam Stewart UC
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Hey this is
Joyce A. Stewart

Joyce A. Stewart

I would never be the one that you believe that I am

Messages : 28
Date d'inscription : 08/04/2012

Status: Célibataire
My Love:
(m) NIALL HORAN - you're my best friend but you love me Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (m) NIALL HORAN - you're my best friend but you love me   (m) NIALL HORAN - you're my best friend but you love me Icon_minitimeVen 31 Aoû - 20:32

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(m) NIALL HORAN - you're my best friend but you love me

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